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Register For Compassion Fatigue: Dealing with Difficult People

Please complete the online registration form or if paying by check or money order, you can click here to go to the printable registration form and mail the completeted form with your payment.

First Name:

Last Name:

Name of Practice/Professional Affiliation:

Address 1:

Address 2:



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Work Telephone#:

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Fax #:


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Please identify all current certifications and educational levels you have obtained.

After completing the registration form, you have the option of several payment methods:

          * If paying by PayPal- click "PayNow" and login to complete your payment.

* If paying by credit card- click "Pay Now".                                           

* At the bottom of the page, click on "Don't have a PayPal account?"   

* You will be provided an online credit card payment form to complete

* If paying by check - mail your check and the completed registration form to:

The Pathfinder Project, Inc.        

6178 Oxon Hill Road, Suite 202

Oxon Hill, Md 20746                 

The Pathfinder Project, Inc.

7100 Chesapeake Road, Suite 201 Landover Hills, MD 20784

301-918-4600 (Office) / 301-918-4602 (Fax)

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