The Pathfinder Project, Inc.
...helping you find your life path...
Pathfinders History
The Pathfinder Project, Inc., came into existence from the desire to touch lives and aid in making a difference. Our mission is to empower young people and their families to affect changes in their lives that will allow them to make responsible choices.
The inspiration for the organization came while our founder, Gail Bethea-Jackson, was on her way to testify in a case involving a client who had been sexually abused. Ms. Jackson believes that nothing is by accident, but by divine providence. As the Creator would have it, she arrived at the courthouse the same time the inmates were arriving from the youth facility. Her heart sank as she watched them unload the prisoners for their hearings; they were all handcuffed, they were all shackled, they all looked to be between the ages of 14 and 16, and they were all black. As the tears rolled down her face, she thought, "...what could have happened that would have enabled at least one of these young people to choose something differently."
That thought became an obsession. She woke up with it. She drove to work with it. She went to bed with it. That thought has consumed her life every since.
Out of this consuming passion was birthed The Pathfinder Project, Inc. which came to fruition from a burning desire to address the needs of persons marginalized and without apparent options. We opened our doors for business August 1, 1995 and have serviced hundreds of individuals who were guided to us for assistance in finding their way back to the right path.